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Fishing Report late January 2014
Fishing remains consistent despite the extremely cold conditions. Stripers and Spotted Bass seem active thrughout the day. We've averaged 10-12 Spotted Bass per day and 2+ Stripers each trip over the past few weeks. Check out some of these beautiful fish
Most of our Stripers have fell victim via downlined Trout but we have caught a few on spoons as well.
The Spotted Bass are still feeding on Spotsticker hand-tied Jigs too. The bite isn't on fire but you can catch 10-15 in a day with drop shots and jigs.
I also added a new helper to the CLGS roster :) This little guy has been working some overtime as of late.
Guys I have plenty of openings in February for anyone interested in chasing a trophy Spotted Bass or Striper! Drop me a line and lets get you a trophy fish soon! LB